Caregiver-Centered Care Champions
Are you a Caregiver-Centered Care Champion? You are invited to join the Community of Practice which will offer speakers, connections and collective mentorship all focused on championing Caregiver-Centered Care in your environment. Bring your expertise to the table and collaborate to recognize, engage and support Family Caregivers as essential partners in care.
The first community session will be:
This session will feature brief demonstrations of navigation solutions, and participants will leave with practical strategies they can immediately incorporate into their everyday roles and/or practices.
Ongoing Community of Practice sessions will be offered every two months. They are designed to showcase resources and innovative approaches to inspire, enhance and sustain Caregiver-Centered Care with possible topics including Caregiver Support Groups, Enhancing Caregiver-Centered Care in Primary Care Networks and Care Facilities, and Double-Duty Caregiving.
Our second session will be on June 12th. Be sure to save the date.
Please share this invitation with your colleagues who have a passion for Caregiver-Centered Care. We welcome anyone who is interested.